Monday, April 18, 2011


          Catholics fought for their own rights. Now days they have their own rigths. They have their own church were everyone can visit. Catholics now have a better education. They have their own rules for Catolics to follow.
         I think that Catholics should continue what they are doing and have their own things. Also I think that for catholics to not be discriminated anymore they should make their own schools and only have catholics children.
         In conclusion I think Catholics should have their free life without anyone making rules for them. Also I think that if they are going to make rules they should make the rules for themselves. In my opinion I also think that Catholics are good persons and they should not be discriminated for who they are.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Struggle & Activisim of Catholics

         Catholics have lived in America since its early days. They were discriminated against much of the Americas history. John F Keedy,a Roman Catholic, won the election of 1960. Since 1960 the world ecumenical movement that serves to unite Christians has caused further integraton of Roman Catholics into the American mainsteam.
         Catholics said that they should be treated as Americans. During discrimination they had a difficult time because they couldn't vote, catholic children couldn't go to school and they could not read the bible in school. The KKK were against the catholics. They discriminated the catholics and they hated them.
          In conclusion, the Catholics were discriminated very sadly. Catholics couldn't have a good education because they couldn't go to school and they could not read the bible in school. They had to like make their won little school and have their own education.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Change of the Catholics

        Catholics population is decreasing day by day. Some Americans confessed that they are Catholics. In the Early Modern Period, Catholic Church stuggled to maintain its traditional religious and political role in the face of rising secular powers in Europe.
        Catholics have been still treated the same way. They are treated as criminals and there aren't have been any changes towards them. Catholics weren't treated very good. They were discriminated since 1950. Childrens wren't allowed to go to schools. They have changed in that know catholic children can go to school without beeing discriminated. In Puerto Rico there is a catholic school were kids have a class of religion and they can read th bible but in other schools they can't.
         Catholics in the US have changed in some ways. They have the right to vote and Catholic children have the right to go to school and have a good educaton. I think that Catholics have the right to everything and they shouldn't be discriminated. Catholics are humans just like us the difference is their religion because there are different types of religion.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Catholic's Oppression

        French Catholics participated in the exploration and colonization in the Mississippi Valley. Maryland was settled in 1634 and was established in 1649. Catholic's were unwelcomed in and even execluded from many other colonies. Congregational or Episcopal churches were suported by law.
        Catholics weren't allowed to apply for jobs. After the large influx of the Irish in the middle of the 19th century many catholic children were educated in public schools. Catholics weren't alllowed to read bibles in school. They were mocked in classsrooms. In New York City catholic's were known by violent people, especially the Irish people. In 1839 the "American Bible Society" ordered that the bible was to be read in every classroom of the nation. A catholic boy was beated because he didn't want to read the bible; King James version of the Ten Commandments.
           Catholic's were mistreated very bad. They weren't allowed to apply for jobs especially the Irish people. Catholic children were not allowed to read bible in school. Catholic's and Irish people were known by violent people. People laughed at catholic people and children. Catholic's felt very bad.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

History of Catholic's

 Catholic support for the Civil Right movement was weak in the late 1950 and slowly increased in 1960. Catholic league was marked by a schizophrenic attitude that would become its hallmark. In British History the freedom from discrimination and civil disabilities granted to the Roman Catholics of Britain and Ireland in a series of laws during the late 18th and 19th century. After reformation, Catholic's could not purchase land, hold civil or military offices. In June 1996  the percent was 23. Then on March 2002 it only increased 1 percent.


Friday, March 25, 2011

Classmates Summary

Albeth Matos

    In Alberth's blog he talked about how was the lifestyle of Native Americans. I learned that by the late 1800’s the creation of railroads led to a fast increase in the amount of settlers that invaded the Native Americans looking for gold and a chance to get a piece of this free land. Also I learned that the changing was caused by the presence of the whites.

Angel Fraticelli
     In Angel's blog he talked about the abuse of the Indians. I learned that three tribes were very affected by the abused caused by the whites. Also I learned that the whites took away the Native American's lands without giving them anything back, only putting them in reservation camps.

Hector Porrata-Doria
     In Hector's blog he talked about the whites taking control over Sioux. I learned that whites tried  negotiate with them and if they disagree the whites will use violence and order toward them. Also I llearned that whites wanted control over Sioux to gain their lands and have more power.

Keven Delgado
    In Keven's blog he talked about whites taking control over the Indians. I learned that Indians wanted only thei piece of land and their own rights. Also I learned that the U.S. promised the Indians that they would control the Indians and they would take almost all their land,and when it came to be true it didn't happen. The U.S. lied to the Indians and then if they didn't sign the treaty they would get killed.

Gabriela Adams
     In Gabriela's blog she talked about Whites gaining control over the Natives Americans with violence.I learned that Custer forced them to move because he wanted the gold of their land. Native Americans had to assimilate to the American culture in order to be treated as one of them. Also Sitting Bull moved with his tribe and his powers were taken off and he was then like the other men and he had to do his own stuff.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Ummmm........Intresting.......Want to know what really happen at Wounded Knee, well then you should read this.! ;))

           Natives Americans were abused on the Massacre of Wounded Knee. They were treated were harmfully. Before war started, people were moved into different regions. The land was big but where they had to live was little for them. When they had their own land they had their own leaders,but when Sitting Bull moved to the region there were no more leaders.
           When war started, alot of people were wounded. Womens, many soldiers, even childrens were wounded. White mens made over 600 hundred treaties and they broke each and every treaty they made. White men also destroyed the culture of Native American people. If children were caught speaking their Native American language they were beaten up.
           When war ended there were alot of people killed. !50 Indians were killed. Womens and childrens were killed very harmfully. Soldiers killed more than 200 unarmed Sioux. Sioux being transported refused to give up his rifle, but those 25 soldiers were most likely killed by friendly fire.
           People were forced to give up their weapons. During war hey also got killed and wounded because they gave up their weapons. If they were not forced to give up their weapons then there was going to be less dead people. 
          In conclusion, alot of Native Americans were abused. There were people wounded. The whites killed alot of people and innocent people. It wasn't fair to kill them because they could live the way they wanted to live. Also since they were forced to give up their weapns they didn't have nothing to defend with and that's why there was a big massacre at Wounded Knee. 

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Stephanie Ruiz-

Stephanie's immigrant story is true. I agree with her because immigrant people are really being treated very badly and it is very unfair because they wouldn't like that they were treated badly.


Raymond's ancestry is kind of coinsidence but is also funny how he mentioned thet his mom and dad were from New York. This family is very cool and I like both of them.

Carlos Collazo-

I saw Carlos video and I think it's unfair because it's true. you can't just go around and say to a person let me see your papers because you like an immigrant. Immigrant should be legal all around the world.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

My Last Name

 Siurano History
    Catalan surname, from the place so called, belonging to the jurisdiction of Figueras, Girona. The first member of this family on record is Don Benito Ciurana who participated in the conquest of Valencia under the orders of King Jaime I of Aragon, fighting in the battles that led to Burriana sites and Lucena del Cid Villas Castellón province and those of Benaguacil and Ares, in the Valencia and Alicante respectively. Later, he accompanied the sovereign said the war in Murcia, where he was credited for its outstanding value. The King rewarded his services with the Lordship of Villores, the judicial district of Morella, where established solar house and left descendants.

    My last name is naturally from spain. It first was written like "Ciurana". The first person who brought it to PR was my father's great grandfather. The first person to have this name was "Heraldica Ciurana". When my father's grandfather came to PR he changed his name from Ciurana to Siurano and that's how it spread out through the family.

My Reaction- It's very unfair because people lived in bad conditions and they didn,t have a work that payed them alot. Immigrants had to live to the US to find better jobs and education. They had to go first by themselves and then bring their family to the US. I think that they shouldn't discriminate immigrant people because they are not going to do anything bad to the US and they are just looking for a better life.

First Person

         Hi, my name is Chloe Cimarrón. I'm an Italian immigrant. When I lived in Italy my life was very sad. Our houses were damaged by natural disaster. Poverty grew. Northeners started to dominate the government. Southeners were hurt by high taxes and high protective tariffs on northern industrial goods.
          When we arrived to the U.S. we didn't have a work that payed us alot. Living conditions were dirty and crowded. Italian workers tend to pass starvation but when time passed  by their life changed. They had a wealthy job and more money.
          My life was very sad. I had to work alot of years and pass starvation to save more money.  After years passed by I had a better job and I didn't have to pass starvation anymore.
           After I had the better job, I had more money to buy things that I needed. I never got married. I always helped other immigrants. Over the years, the Italians rose up the economic scale. They aquired job skills rather than being educated.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Italian Immigration

           Italians have migrated to the United States more than any other Europeans. Italian immigration was spurred because of poverty, overpopulation and natural disaster. Population in Italy became severe. The government of Italy was dominated by the northners. Southners were hurt by high taxes and high protective tariffs on northern industrial goods.
            As in many other places in the world, Italians in Americaclustered into groups related to their place of origin. Italians would desperse in other immigrant groups. They also settled in other regions of the U.S.Italians living conditions were filthy and crowded. Italian workers had less food to save more money. After years passed by Italians had different jobs and more money.
          After arriving to the U.S. Italians living conditions were dirty and crowded. Italian workers tend to pass starvation but when time passed by their life changed. They had a wealthy job and more money.
        I think that Italian Immigration was very difficult. Their immigrant life was very sad. Then after years passed they had newer and better jobs.