Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Italian Immigration

           Italians have migrated to the United States more than any other Europeans. Italian immigration was spurred because of poverty, overpopulation and natural disaster. Population in Italy became severe. The government of Italy was dominated by the northners. Southners were hurt by high taxes and high protective tariffs on northern industrial goods.
            As in many other places in the world, Italians in Americaclustered into groups related to their place of origin. Italians would desperse in other immigrant groups. They also settled in other regions of the U.S.Italians living conditions were filthy and crowded. Italian workers had less food to save more money. After years passed by Italians had different jobs and more money.
          After arriving to the U.S. Italians living conditions were dirty and crowded. Italian workers tend to pass starvation but when time passed by their life changed. They had a wealthy job and more money.
        I think that Italian Immigration was very difficult. Their immigrant life was very sad. Then after years passed they had newer and better jobs.

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